Vocational training in illicit drug addiction: Equipping health care

practitioners with addiction treatment competences and techniques” (CARE4SUD)




Overall Objective OF CARE4SUD:     

to ensure a higher professionalism

of the healthcare work force in the illicit

drug addiction field at national and European level


Work package n°2 – Review and Analysis Report: Sharper lens on illicit drug addiction educational programmes


Reminder of CARE4SUD Aims of WP2:


– to provide an overview of scientific publications on existing initiatives on the development of addiction curricula at different educational levels EU-wide

-to define the needs and shortages in practical and forward-looking skills in the addiction health training industry in the six participating countries and provide an inventory on the national skill gaps and needs

-to facilitate the identification of the up-to-date competencies required for the professional identity of the illicit drug addiction counselor (EQF5)


University of Porto Team Presents Results of WP2 at ECER 2024

The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), organized by the European Educational Research Association (EERA), was held from August 27th to 30th at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia. The event gathered over 2.300 participants, fostering international dialogue on educational research.

As part of the CARE4SUD project WP2: Review and Analysis Report | Sharper Lens on Illicit Drug Addiction Educational Programmes – the University of Porto team presented the paper, ‘Bridging Gaps in Illicit Drug Addiction VET Programmes: insights from the CARE4SUD project’, during the Vocational Education and Training (VETNET) session.


In this presentation, we discussed the CARE4SUD project, which seeks to close gaps in vocational education and training (VET) for individuals with substance use disorder. A major focus was on the development of a personalized programme that integrate rehabilitation with skill-building to aid in their reintegration into the workforce. The collected data places a strong emphasis on collaboration between healthcare professionals, educational institutions, and other stakeholders to improve training outcomes. The participation in this conference provided a valuable platform for the team to share and discuss findings collected across all CARE4SUD partner countries.



Between 12-13.09.2024 DASM Cluj-Napoca hosted the study visits of 2 foreign delegations from non EU countries. The first delegation included mayors, deputies for social issues, secretaries of local councils, deputies of military administrations for social issues, as well as heads of local institutions providing social services from Ukraine and the second delegation included delegates from the Republic of Moldova and Serbia. The study visits offered the opportunity for dialogue between practitioners and decision-makers about local and national particularities of social welfare services, existing social programs at local level and European projects in support of social services. During the 2 visits, the representatives of DASM presented the institution, the social programs available at local level and their ongoing EU funded projects, including the CARE4SUD project (objectives, activities and expected results). Future collaborations were established in order to disseminate the project materials and to promote the project at European level.


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