Vocational training in illicit drug addiction: Equipping health care practitioners with addiction treatment competences and techniques” (CARE4SUD)


Erasmus + project



Work package n°3 (wp 3)Design and development of a competence based transnational capacity building VET curricula for health care practitioners interested in illicit drug addiction (CARE4SUD curricula).


AIM of WP 3:

Based on the skill needs identified following the interviews with patients and focus groups with drug addiction specialists from work package n°2, the project partners described the learning outcomes for the future CARE4SUD training. These will correspond to statements of what illicit drug addiction professionals should know, understand and be able to do upon completion of the training course.

 The Care4SUD Learning outcomes will serve as a guide for educators and learners, helping to clarify expectations, design assessments, and evaluate the effectiveness of the learning experience.


In this project the learning outcomes are divided into:

Knowledge: it refers to the specific information, facts, concepts, theories, or principles that learners will acquire through the learning activity. It includes understanding and comprehension of subject matter or content.

Skills: focuses on the abilities and practical application of knowledge that learners will develop. Skills involve the capacity to perform specific tasks or activities, often through practice and hands-on experience.

Competences are a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors that individuals demonstrate in a particular context or job role. Competences often reflect a blend of cognitive (knowledge-based) and behavioral (skills-based) attributes crucial for successful performance in a particular role or situation.

The learning outcomes for the profession of an illicit drug addiction counsellor will be defined in the project according to the EQF level 5[1].

EQF level 5 qualifications are characterized by intermediate skills and knowledge. They typically require learners to have completed secondary education or have a similar level of education and provide them with the competence to work independently in a specific field or undertake further education.




Comprehensive, specialized, factual, and theoretical knowledge within a field of work or study and an awareness of the boundaries of that knowledge.



A comprehensive range of cognitive and practical skills required to develop creative solutions to abstract problems.


Source: Europass


Exercise management and supervision in contexts of work or study activities where there is unpredictable change; review and develop performance of self and of others.


After having identified the learning outcomes, the project partners will proceed with developing the learning units’ specifications, establishing the duration of the learning units and of the training course, reviewing the assessment methodology.



Development of the CARE4SUD training package

The capacity building will be designed to give a basic understanding of addiction and awareness of the effects of psychoactive drug use; practices of the most generally accepted models of treatment including motivational interviews; screening and referral to treatment and knowledge of the relationship between substance use and diverse cultures, values, and lifestyles with a view to combat stigma.


The training course will be addressed to:

  • Health care practitioners in the primary health sector, inexperienced in illicit drug addiction and/or physicians who seek to enter the field of addiction to enhance their knowledge and skills required for employment and professional development.
  • VET Educators, experts in the substance use disorders field.
  • VET providers who desire to integrate the developed course or module into an existing training program, public health hospitals, social care professionals.


CARE4SUD training demonstration workshops in all partner countries

The training demonstration will target 60 VET educators from the health industry (10 from each partner country) and it aims to share the learning objectives and training material of the training course, exchange views on its relevance, effectiveness and efficiency and validate its component.


For further information about the project, you can contact us at care4sud.project@gmail.com or follow us on the project website, www.care4sud.eu or on our Facebook and Linkedin pages, entitled Care4Sud Project.


“Europos Komisijos parama šio informacinio biuletenio leidybai nereiškia, kad pritariama jo turiniui, kuris atspindi tik autorių požiūrį, o nacionalinė agentūra ir Komisija negali būti laikomos atsakingomis už bet kokį jame pateiktos informacijos panaudojimą.”.